Last month I received a call from a Bangalore based design firm asking for our smart glass technical data sheet and our smart glass prices. We have earlier worked with this firm in many large projects and the data required by them was duly sent to them. Similarly, they had also collected TDS from other Smart Glass / Smart Film vendors for comparison.
Now this got me wondering whether the document they receive is good enough to compare the products.
Curiosity got the better of our team and we started collecting technical data sheets and samples of some prominent companies dealing in Smart Glass and Smart Retrofit films. These samples were tested against the values provided in the respective TDS documents provided by those companies.
Needless to say, the results were shocking!
The funny part is that this company which started its operations in the year 2021 with a track record of 2 years, offered warranties up to 10 years!
TDS as a document can only give you unverifiable numbers and is a completely unreliable document to be used for project specifications.